Bathroom Renovations

Have you been looking for a way to update your bathroom? Bathroom remodeling is the perfect solution. It’s an affordable and effective way to modernize, upgrade, or update your bathroom without having to move out of it. We can help you with everything from design consultation all the way through installation and finishing touches!

You deserve a beautiful new space that reflects who you are and what makes you happy. Let us take care of this project so that we can make your dreams come true! Our team will work closely with yours every step of the way, ensuring that our vision matches yours perfectly. Contact us today for more information on how we can help turn your dream into reality! 

We’ll be waiting by the phone for your call! 

 Call us today at 226-780-8503 now if you’re ready to get started on designing a new bathroom in your home today!

You know the old saying, “show me your kitchen and I’ll tell you who you are?” Well then don’t forget to show off all of its features. New home buyers will be looking for a space that not only has clean lines but also an open layout so they can get their head around what it would feel like living in there. You may want to think about including some art or wall decor too because we’ve seen time and again how people use these spaces as conversation starters when guests come over – which is just another way why this room should really stand out!

New homeowners often make decisions on homes based solely on physical appearances; if new bathroom fixtures were installed with no attention given to design details, such as mirror placement or paint colours, the bathroom will look like an unfinished product.

The bathroom is the most popular room in a house to remodel, and for good reason. Not only does it offer an opportunity to make your home more beautiful than ever before, but also because many homeowners are eager to update their bathrooms with modern fixtures that they have wanted since they were kids. Bathroom renovations can involve gutting old materials and replacing them with new ones; moving vanities or tubs around as needed so the layout will work better; installing plumbing lines where necessary (if any); wiring electrical outlets if you want lighting installed under cabinets etc.; removing unwanted obstacles like bathtubs when converting from one type of flooring material – tile for example – into another such as carpet which may require some maneuvering behind walls or subfloors; using a drop cloth when working with chemicals including paint and sealers; wearing a face mask to avoid the airborne particles that are put off by sanding or sawing static electricity in drywall etc.

It is sometimes easier for homeowners to hire contractors to do their bathroom renovations because they may not have time or the skills needed to complete this which is why Guelph Contracting is here to help you with the services you need.

If you are looking for a home with the comforts of spa-like retreat, look no further. There is plenty that can be done to improve your master suite and make it more like an oasis in your own humble abode. Recent trends have seen many homeowners enlarging their masters or adding features such as soaker tubs, double sink vanities and separate showers which requires some moving walls around but will leave room for all these luxurious amenities after they’re completed! Call Guelph Contracting today at 226-780-8503.

The Small Details

Master designers are thinking about how these living spaces can be transformed into a place of luxury and relaxation by taking advantage of design details that add ambiance to every room in your home. Here’s what you need to consider when looking for new fixtures:

1. Light it up – efficient lighting is a must in any new construction or renovation, as new fixtures and plenty of light bulbs can transform any space into an inviting living environment . For larger projects, there are several options : strip lights (which are essentially long, thin fluorescent tubes), track lighting and pendants ( hang these from the ceiling adding to the  overall illumination and adding a touch of subtle elegance ).

2. Lighting Accessories – changing or swapping out light shades is one of the easiest ways to create a new look in your home . Light shades can be changed with different materials, shapes or colors that reflect your preferred style, while still maintaining the integrity of standard lighting fixtures .

Steps to Your Dream Bathroom

​The first step is for us to meet you. We take time in order to get to know all clients, and fully grasp the direction they want their bathroom space be taken in. It’s at this point we will navigate along side of you as you put your personal touches on your dream bath room while analyzing the previous one too; meanwhile bringing up any knowledge necessary that may come into play during our process together with each client individually.

Once you give us your ideas, we’ll help design the perfect plan. We keep communication open throughout and make sure to deliver exactly what you envisioned!

After deciding on an overall design plan it’s time for work: repairing any damages before starting new construction; negotiating permits; getting all necessary approvals (including inspections); pulling together materials needed; obtaining contracts if desired…the list goes on but finally comes down to one final question “When can I move into my dream bathroom?

Bathroom Design and Renovations

When it comes to any Guelph bathroom renovation job that we embark on, the following procedures are essential:

Budgeting: Our Guelph bathroom remodeling experts will first meet with you to discuss the bathroom you want – but most importantly, the one you can afford. We will always make certain that you get the most bang for your buck when it comes to your bathroom remodeling, restoration, or entirely new bathroom project.

Measurement: The initial stage of bathroom renovation involves measuring the size of your bathroom. We guarantee that the solutions we provide are both aesthetically pleasing and practical by measuring each of them.

Plan & Bathroom Layout: We will make certain that your bathroom layout contains everything you want, including cupboards, back splashes, and even water technology. We will sketch up the measurements, measure how tall, wide, and deep your bathroom is, then tweak it until you are completely happy.

A Finishing Touch: Our premium Guelph bathroom remodelling service also assists you in coordinating your finishes so that everything, from your vanities to your tiles and tubs, fits flawlessly.

We firmly think that you are entitled to an Guelph bathroom renovation process that is not hectic and stressful, but rather one that follows a step-by-step procedure that is sure to offer your bathroom the greatest face lift.

You can find literally anything related to renovating your kitchen in Guelph when you choose Guelph Contracting. The hardware and accessories, the bathroom vanities, kitchen cabinets, backsplash options and tiles are all part of it under one roof! Not only do we offer top-quality solutions for our customers in Guelph; but with every project –whether it is selling a cabinet or revamping a complete space–we ensure customer satisfaction by offering reliable warranties.

Our bathroom renovation procedure is as simple as it can be. Everyone knows that remodeling a bathroom is a difficult undertaking, especially in a city like Guelph. You are invited to visit and see the range of kitchen solutions we take pleasure in, make your selection, and let us turn your dreams into reality.

Professional Contractors

At Guelph Contracting, we’re a team of designers with one goal: to bring the oasis you envision into your home. Whether this means marble elegance or wood warmth, tile coolness or anything in between – our design consultation is free and allows us to plan for all possibilities so that no matter how many members share your bathroom space it will be an environment worthy of their time spent within its walls.

The first step towards achieving any renovation goals can start at Guelph Contracting. By meeting with our friendly professionals who not only love designing they love renovating bathrooms according to what best suits each member’s requirements- from the elegant beauty of marble floors through warm wooden cabinets up until smooth tiles; whatever ideal may suit them!